
Visit, download Trezor Suite, follow prompts to initialize and secure your device.

At, you can begin your journey to securely manage your cryptocurrency with a Trezor hardware wallet. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to set up your Trezor device and use the Trezor Suite app effectively.

Getting Started with Trezor

  1. Visit Start by visiting on your web browser. This page serves as the central hub for setting up your Trezor hardware wallet.

  2. Download Trezor Suite: On the Trezor start page, you'll find a link to download Trezor Suite for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux). Click on the appropriate link and follow the instructions to download and install the software.

  3. Connect Your Trezor Device: Once Trezor Suite is installed, connect your Trezor device to your computer using the USB cable provided. The suite should automatically detect your device.

Initializing Your Trezor Device

  1. Create a New Wallet: Follow the prompts on Trezor Suite to create a new wallet. You'll be guided through the process of setting a device name, PIN, and recovery seed. Make sure to store your recovery seed in a safe place as it's crucial for restoring access to your funds if your device is lost or damaged.

  2. Verify Your Recovery Seed: Trezor will ask you to verify your recovery seed by selecting words from a list shown on the device's screen. This ensures that you've correctly written down the seed and can access it when needed.

  3. Set Up Passphrase (Optional): You have the option to set up a passphrase for added security. This passphrase acts as a 25th word in addition to your recovery seed and is required to access your wallet.

Using Trezor Suite

  1. Navigating Trezor Suite: Once your device is set up, explore Trezor Suite's interface. You can manage your accounts, send and receive cryptocurrencies, and access additional features like coin integrations and exchange services.

  2. Managing Accounts: Trezor Suite allows you to manage multiple cryptocurrency accounts directly from the app. You can add accounts for different cryptocurrencies supported by Trezor and monitor their balances and transactions.

  3. Security Features: Take advantage of Trezor's advanced security features, including password manager integration, SSH login capabilities, and U2F authentication.

Final Steps

  1. Backup and Security: Regularly backup your wallet by exporting your public addresses and keeping your recovery seed secure. Enable any additional security features offered by Trezor Suite to enhance protection against unauthorized access.

  2. Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with Trezor's latest firmware updates and security announcements. These updates often include important security patches and new features that enhance the functionality of your device.

By following these steps outlined at and familiarizing yourself with Trezor Suite, you can confidently manage your cryptocurrency investments while keeping them secure from potential threats.

Last updated